About EFT:

EFT or Emotional Freedom Techniques is the ultimate life hack; a mother load of a coping tool. It consists of a thorough suite of methods that combine self pressed acupressure points with highly effective cognitive interventions.

Are you currently going through stress, anxiety, trauma, pain, grief, or anger? or any other difficult feeling or sensation that is affecting your quality of life? EFT is evidence based and scientifically proven to help with all of that and more—basically anything that involves the nervous system. Since the nervous system is the way we experience life, that includes a great deal.

I am an Advanced Certified Accredited EFT Practitioner through EFT International. As your guide and coach, I can help you optimize EFT to resolve and profoundly transform issues to expedite progress. In the process, I will help you hone your own EFT skills for enhanced empowerment, resilience and ease in life.

My EFT Journey:

EFT is the most amazing and powerful tool ever. When I first discovered it, it was like I had gone through my whole mental health career with a stick and someone just gave me a light saber.

I was schooled in the prevalent psychological paradigm where the main way to change how you feel is to change how you think or act. But if you already thought everything you could think about it and did all you could do about it, and you still felt lousy? Then all that was left was acceptance and patience.

Not anymore. EFT changed that. With EFT you can miraculously change how you feel first. The wild and wonderful thing is, once you change how you feel it is actually easier to access your inner wisdom and think new thoughts. That in turn makes it easier to do new things. EFT directly transforms experience and grants greater access to inner resources while simultaneously making them grow.

For that reason, it helps with most things and you can try it with anything. A skilled practitioner can really help you get started, get the most out of it, work more efficiently with it, and go further and deeper with it than you might otherwise on your own.

What others have said:

I'm really enjoying the tapping work. It feels like it's giving my body more agency...letting it speak up for itself about what it needs to heal and let go of and bring up. I feel lighter and my mood has been much better since my first session with you. I'm very grateful!!

Sadaya skillfully presents the science and the magic of this valuable tool, EFT, in a way that reflects her passion for its effectiveness, and her compassion for those whose suffering is relieved by it. She organizes the material in a way that is easy to understand and retain. An excellent presenter, and a very promising tool.

-Susannah (who attended an EFT workshop I did for fellow clinicians

Above is a picture from a book of art by Alfonso Mucha. Doesn’t it look like she is pressing the EFT chin point?

“Sadaya communicates her knowledge about EFT in a warm accessible way. She is patient, skilled, and goes the extra mile to really make a difference.”

- Heather

“Sadaya’s way of guiding EFT is passionate, informative and effective!  I’m so surprised at how much better I feel physically, emotionally, and psychologically after just a few rounds.  Whether you’ve known about EFT for years or are totally new to the Technique, I highly recommend Sadaya’s instruction.”

– Kristina

“I was blessed to have some EFT sessions with Sadaya. She is truly amazing, kind, caring and compassionate. I was quite anxious at the time of our sessions and it did not take long to feel calm. I tried doing EFT alone but made all the difference doing it with Sadaya” 


Sadaya presented the EFT work in a mini workshop at a retreat. I loved her deeply caring, thorough and informative way of teaching.  I was very disappointed that I was going to miss her full training due to an emergency surgery which had been scheduled for the same date.

During an anxiety ridden time of having to make decisions around this necessary and invasive surgery. Sadaya, so committed to and believing so deeply in the effectiveness of this form of therapy, took the time to help me process my deepest fears and come to a place of peace, opening the way for me to go forward and make the necessary plans and decicions needed to prepare. 

Unbeknownst to me, I had no idea how much of my traumatic early childhood past was blocking and influencing my inability to embrace the inevitable. She worked compassionately in a non -judgemental way with me to make sure I understood the steps in the process so that I could take care of myself and do it for myself when the day of arrived. 

I was catapulted into survival strategy from complications as I found myself in excruciating pain, gripping the side railing of my guerny as the anesthesia wore off.  Though difficult, the magic of our work together and well armed with the technique, I mentally went to work using the process on my own right there in the recovery room. "Even though...." To my amazement, It made the suffering bearable and caused a calm and a surrender into the pain to allow me to stop trembling, shaking and crying from pain and compose myself as the doctor and the nurses helped me through the crisis.

I have continued to use this technique when needed and knowing I have this in my toolbox of self care, leaves me feeling more secure as I go through my days. I look forward to taking the full training in the future because not only does it not negate the importance of acknowledging and not minimizing the very real suffering of post traumatic stress from a traumatic past,  it unearths the issues and gets them front and center so that they may be seen and light can shine upon them. It also gives one back a life because it saves and cuts short endless time in repetative story telling in therapy.

Thank you Sadaya, so grateful for the torch you hold for the independence and well being of all.


EFT or Emotional Freedom Techniques self applied acupoints.

These are the basic recipe points plus two additional alternate points: the gamut point on the back of the hand and the heart or thymus point. You can tap, rub, or just press and breath.

  EFT and Science

EFT is a uniquely rapid and effective set of tools to release trauma, pain, grief, and outdated ways of being for freedom to fully enjoy and experience life.

It does this through the miraculous and yet measurable ways it directly impacts the nervous system which then affects the entire body and being. See below for some of what happens in a rapid cascade:

-Increased intra-communication/ connections between the different parts of the brain (which improves athletic performance and increases creativity)

-Internal Opioids (Endorphins, Enkephalins & Dynorphins)—floods your body with your own endogenous good feeling chemicals that sooth and aid recovery/coping, relieve pain

-Decreased Cortisol and other stress hormones—-measurable in saliva and resulting in a faster reduction than through talk therapy alone. Less stress hormone means more building blocks available for your body to produce other hormones line DHEA for cell repair.

-Retrains/Resets the Amygdala, the smoke alarm of the body which labels threats based on past experience and can lead to trauma triggers for seemingly innocuous stimuli—EFT can disarm and upgrade the system, so it does not go off for what no longer makes sense to suffer over.

--Switches your body out of sympathetic nervous system fight/flight/or freeze mode and into Parasympathetic mode of rest and digest. It also increases heart rate variability which is an outward sign of greater resilience, meaning that your body is able to get ramped up to respond when truly needed, but then quickly discharge stress and recover back to baseline when the threat is passed.

-Changes in types of brain waves (EEG/MRI) to more normative and peaceful/happy ones. After just 6 sessions, the changes are viewable in the brain 6 months later.

-Neuroplasticity—the cutting edge concept that our brain changes in response to what we do with it. EFT positively changes your brain, as again discernible via imaging.

-Epigenetics---just food for thought: Most of genes in the body turn on or off reactive to environmental conditions. Consider the implications if those conditions are more favorable. EFT facilitates favorable conditions in the body which in turn can affect gene expression.

For more info:
